Gerbiami bendruomenės nariai ir draugai.
Dalinames su Jumis informacija apie būsimus renginius.
Dear community members and friends, we are pleased to share with you information about our upcoming events.

Day of Mourning and Hope – June 14
For the 7th time in a row the project “Say, Hear, Preserve,” initiated by “Mission Siberia” invites all on June 14 – the Day of Mourning and Hope – to
remember the destinies of Lithuanian exiles and political prisoners. The campaign aims to make public (read) as many names, surnames and destinies of people who have experienced exile and imprisonment (returned/did not return/fate unknown). This year will also honor the Ukrainians who have died in the Russian war against Ukraine: it is expected that the names and surnames of Ukrainian people who died in Bucha, Irpin, Mariupol and other places will also be read in Vilnius.
Anyone who would like to participate in the readings is invited to register on the website www.birzelio14.lt. For Lithuanian communities and organizations abroad who decide to organize spells and readings together, please note this in the registration form.
Readings will be broadcast live by media,
Lithuanian Youth Organizations Council (LiJOT) and “Mission Siberia” social networks.
On June 14 th at 11:59AM (Lithuanian time) we also invite you to join the Universal Minute of Silence—an initiative in which everyone in their homes, workplace, organizations is encouraged
to stop for one minute and honor the thousands of victims of the Soviet regime.
More info at www.ryztaszydeti.lt

Joninės / Jaanipäev su Estais – birželio 25d.
Nuoširdžiai kviečiame visus lietuvius,
bendruomenės narius ir draugus
švęsti Jonines kartu su estų bendruomene jų
sodyboje „Mäeotsa“ Mission, Britų Kolumbijoje – bus muzika, žaidimai, laužas ir kitos įdomybės!
Joninės / Jaanipäev with the Estonian
community – June 25
We warmly invite all Lithuanians, community members and friends to celebrate Midsummer together with the Estonian community at Mäeotsa in Mission – a day of music, games, a
traditional bonfire and more!

Lankas Lietuvių vasaros Stovykla
Rugpjūčio 7d-13d, 2022m
West Coast Latvian Education Center in Shelton, WA
Pirmą kartą nuo pandemijos pradžios, Lanko lietuvių vasaros stovykla šiemet grįžta į Šelton, Vašingtoną! Papildomos informacijos galima rasti žemiau ir jų interneto svetainėje Lankas2022 (regfox.com).
Lankas Lithuanian Heritage Summer Camp August 7-13, 2022
West Coast Latvian Education Center in Shelton, WA
For the first time since the pandemic started, Lankas Lithuanian Heritage Summer Camp is back this year in Shelton, Washington! Additional
information can be found below and on their website Lankas2022 (regfox.com).
“Lankas” Stovykla 2022 will take place August 7 to 13 at the West Coast Latvian Education Center in Shelton, WA! The camp theme this year is “Šventes” or “Celebrations!” Campers will have the chance to experience and explore Lithuania’s unique language, art, and traditions through classes and activities. Get excited for the best week of the year at Lankas 2022!
Remember that part-time volunteers must spend at least 20 hours leading activities and helping to run the camp. Full-time volunteers are typically counselors or leads chefs.
Please feel free to email us with any questions or concerns at LankasStovykla@gmail.com
Artėjantys renginiai
Gedulo ir vilties diena – birželio 14d
Joninės / Jaanipäev su Estais – birželio 25d.
Valstybės diena – liepos 6d
Juodojo kaspino dienos ir Baltijos kelio metines – rugpjūčio 23d
Lietuvos žydų genocido aukų atminties diena – rugsejo 23d
Daugiau informacijos apie šiuos ir artėjančius renginius pranešime artimiausiu laiku.
Upcoming Events
Day of Mourning and Hope – June 14
Joninės / Jaanipäev with the Estonian community – June 25
Statehood Day – July 6
Baltic Way and Black Ribbon Day
commemoration August 23
National Memorial Day for the Genocide of the Lithuanian Jews – Community Commemoration (September 23)
More information about these and upcoming events will follow.